Doretta Gadsden, R.N.

Life Coach for Healing

Doretta Gadsden has been a registered nurse for 25 years. She is an Amazon bestselling author of the book Living Victoriously: Strategies to Empower Women with A Chronic Diagnosis. Doretta is a graduate of Bronx Community College. Her passion is to empower women in realizing they hold everything needed within to live their best lives. Doretta has lived with AIDS for over 25 years and has a hunger to also educate women in making positive health choices. Doretta and husband Glenn live in Brooklyn, New York.

My Journey

When I was first diagnosed with AIDS 23 years ago, I felt paralyzed and hopeless for a short period of time. Why a short period you might ask? Well, I was blessed to have a woman who offered me a new way of seeing. She invited me to look at all the possibilities around me and not just believe what I read or had seen others go through with the same diagnosis.

And as a nurse, I'd seen a lot.

So having someone in my life challenge and teach me to see things differently than I'd witnessed with years of medical experience was ​amazing. She invited me to look for my STRENGTHS... to think OUTSIDE the box... To seek ALTERNATIVES.

I had overcome the damage of incest and pulled myself out of drug abuse. So I had reference points of being able to move through challenging situations., but I needed more. Having her hold a space for me, be the bridge between my own knowledge and abilities to my healing is a large part of why I live a vibrant and full life today. Her support and accountability provided the guidance I needed to find my way. It's also part of what sparked my passion for empowering women with tools to release anything that may hold them back.

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