International Girls Leadership Initiative

Location: University of Dallas
5900 Bishop Boulevard | Dallas, Texas | 75205 | 214.768.2853 |
Enriched. Empowered. Educated. Young Leader.
Join A-WOW International Girls Leadership Initiative, elected and municipal officials, engaged citizens, diplomats, and business leaders in the exciting "BIG-D" – The City of Dallas to discuss, “Investing In Today’s Young Women For A Sustainable Tomorrow” The Role of Women and Girls in Global Peace-building and Conflict Transformation’.
A-WOW GLOBAL INITIATIVE FOUNDATION (AWOW) and its partners are pursuing an eight-day, seven-night high-impact and high-level learning approach to advance the core goals and main objective of White House progress towards the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the United Nations “Women-achieve gender equality and women empowerment” for all women and girls.
From 27th July to 3rd August, a selected group of young women from around the globe, will participate in A-WOW’s Young Women Leadership World Summit.
On 27th July, 2014 the Global Summit comes to Dallas, Texas. A-WOW extends an invitation to attend to young women ages 16 thru 25 years. Apply online now! This event does have limited availability.
AWOW is a non-governmental, not-for profit female based organization, an acculturated program, whose headquarters is located in Dallas, TX. A-WOW was developed to enrich the lives of young women through education, life skill training, global exposure and professional mentorship. The organization is currently working with young ladies in Ghana, Liberia, Costa Rica, Nigeria, India, Trinidad and Tobago and the United States. Annually the girls come together to share their experiences, knowledge and to make new friends.
AWOW invite the public to join us on July 27th for the launching of this great event with Special Guest Debra Peek Haynes as Keynote Speaker. We recommend that those interested in assisting us with the enrichment of today’s youth, and those interested in learning more about the organization please come to hear and witness success stories of young women from around the world. On August 2nd The Summit will climax with Special keynote Speaker Ms. Debra Lewis Diaz
For more information, please contact Carolyn Wright , A-WOW Founder at (214) 995-1927 or via email at
The 2015 World Summit is sponsored by

2015 World Summit Opening Ceremony
2015 World Summit Closing Ceremony
I committed myself to A-WOW because the organization helped more than can ever be expressed with words. This summer as the day became closer to returning to my sophomore year as the Sophomore Class President, I found myself more and more unsure of my confidence in my leadership abilities. Certainly, the last thing I wanted to do was to let my class down. Once I found A-WOW, its ambassadors and volunteers who I met had nothing but encouraging things to say and great advice to give. Moreover throughout this tough year, they have been my support system. I still talk on a regular basis to the girls with whom I graduated. I don’t know what I would have done this summer without this program, and I want to make sure that any girl who feels even remotely close to what I was feeling has the chance to experience this great organization.
Three words to describe my experience with A-WOW are safe, opportunity, and wow. A-WOW allows me a safe environment to learn about my leadership talents. It let me strengthen the parts of my leadership abilities I was least confident in. Opportunity presents itself because I meet women who had nothing but my best interest at heart. They gave their advice from what they had learned from experience freely. By meeting these women, you have the opportunity to uses their knowledge and connections to open doors for yourself and they are more than willing to help you.
My last word, wow, is at the very heart of the organization’s name. All of the girls in this program bring to mind nothing but awe from me and my gratitude for their acquaintance.
A-WOW envisions itself as the preferred girls’ leadership initiative, providing a global brand of high potential, responsible, positive, effective environmental and innovative leaders. In the future, I want to be one of the people that aids in the fulfillment of this vision.
I will always feel this organization gave more to me then I will in anyway be able to give back, but I know I will spend the rest of my life trying.
Ellisa Brown,
A-WOW Ambassador
Since I join A-WOW IGLI I have met some amazing young ladies which I have adopted as my sister. I have also met a lot of wonderful mentors that gave words of encouragement whenever I needed it. Being in this leadership program I have learned that each of us (ladies) are different and beautiful in our own way!
I have also learned more ways to be an even stronger woman in the future. My life have changed in so many ways since becoming an A-WOW Ambassador
Jaimie Barner,
A-WOW Ambassador
As a beginning participant of AWOW I greatly appreciated the time and all the things I learned.
The prestigious people I met and the numerous things they taught me are well worth it. I learned things that school does not teach, sometimes parents' may not teach and if you are not paying attention, life may not teach. I will absolutely do it all over again and not change anything!
Carbone Hlliard,
A-WOW Ambassador
A-WOW IGLI really made a great difference in my life. I’ve learned so much about how to be an excellent leader and growing to be a mature young lady. I’ve become more of a leader instead of a follower. I am so thankful for all the guest speakers and founders of A-WOW IGLI for the two great beneficial, life changing weeks! I definitely recommend this program to any young lady wanting to become a better leader.
Jennifer Ojemi,
A-WOW Ambassador
A-WOW has made a difference in my life because I am able to stand up for myself, which I really didn't have the courage to do so. It also gave me the courage to
stand up to people and also to help more people that are in need of help. I really appreciate being in A-WOW because it made me a strong and better person. With
that I would recommend this program to others because if it made a difference to me, it will also make a great change in someone or make a huge difference in someone's life.
Sarah Vang,
A-WOW Ambassador
A-Wow is a stepping stone in a young woman's life.It's a single moment where she can pause and ask herself the hardest question any adolescent child will ever come across. Who am I and who do I want to be. It's one thing to know who you are, but sometimes the person you are isn't exactly who you want to be.
A-WOW in this sense has taught me many things. Not just about college and the best bank to leave my money. A-WOW has taught me a variety of things but the most precious lesson of all is learning how to look at yourself. Since I've left the conference thats exactly what I've been doing.I've been trying to mold myself into the person I want to be I know I'm not there yet, Im barely seventeen, its going to take patience and wisdom, two things I have neither of. But at least, I'm making progress.
Because of A-WOW I'm experiencing my own silent reformation, and with every small change comes either a positive or negative result. The choice is in nobody's hands but mine."
Bethany Bonsu,
A-WOW Ambassador
2015 World Summit
A-WOW IGLI presents
Robert BILHEIMER'S Documentary
University of Dallas:
August 1st from 6pm to 9pm -
Debra Peek Haynes
“Investing In Today's Young Women For A Sustainable Tomorrow”
University of Dallas: Sunday July 27
Keynote address
Ms. Debra Lewis Diaz
"the Role of Women and Girls In Peace-building and Conflict Resolution"
University of Dallas: Sunday August 2
The 2014 A-WOW World Summit Contributors

Highlight of the 2015 A-WOW World Summit
"Investing In today’s Young Women For a Sustainable Tomorrow "
Increase girls’ knowledge of skills that bolster self-esteem and self-awareness through classroom exercises, community involvement and engaging in environmental programs.
Provide youth with tools and resources that build leadership skills.
Cultivate each individual’s ability and enhance her responsibility to create change in society.
Break down the barriers that separate different cultures by providing programs and training focused on how the global community is connected and how we can learn from each other to solve challenges that affect us all as well as, cultivate ethical responsibility.
Collaborate with other youth organization and educator to increase girls’ levels of awareness about career opportunities that exist in their country as well as others.
Expose young women to professional environments and successful mentors.
Celebrate “A-WOW DAY” International Girls Leadership Day.
Ambassadors from AWOW Global Programs will attend the conference along with A-WOW Ambassadors of United States. Participants will engage in various activities such as: visit universities, businesses and prominent leaders, attend action labs, participate in a youth advocacy project and enjoy exciting tours and fun excursions. .
A wide range of powerful and progressive sessions on best practices in cultural diversity and inclusion, coaching, mentoring sessions, personal, social and professional development seminars conducted by experts to enhance education and career opportunities of the participants.
We work with emerging leaders to build sustainable solutions for the next generation of leaders. Our approach is to utilize a variety of educational methodologies to promote life-skills, leadership development, innovation and entrepreneurial skills. We are committed to leadership development and enhancing cultural and socio-psychological change through the interactions between different cultures. These cultural exchanges foster and promote education, leadership, and innovation while at the same time collectively tackling issues of illiteracy, poverty and teen pregnancy among the most vulnerable populations in Ghana, Costa Rica, Liberia, Nigeria and the United States.
A limited number of full and partial scholarships are available.
View/download our World Summit Agenda
Participant Sponsorship Letter
View/download our Release Waiver for Photography
Classroom and Schedule Assignment
View/download our World Summit application
Opening Day | July 26
Official A-WOW Day Celebration – Experience culture immersion, diversity and culture exchange
Day Two | July 28
“Individual Change| Understanding Self and Achieving Goals, Personal Development.”
Day Three | July 29
Societal Change | Impact and Influences through Leadership
Day Four | July 30
Collective Change City of Irving, Mayor Beth Van Duyne | Education, Collaborating with Community and Government
Day Five |July 31
Teambuilding and Human Dynamics’
Day Six | August 1st
Collective Change | Women and Leadership - Impact and Influences through Leadership [Participants will interview women leaders in the community and create an online magazine]
Day Seven | August 2nd
Collective Change| Connecting Cultures | Global Diversity (BIG D - Tours and Excursions)
Graduation Gala Program
03:00 pm – 03:10 pm Welcome and Opening Remarks - A-WOW Steering Committee
03:10 pm – 03:15 pm Introduction of 2014 A-WOW IGLI Graduates
03:15 pm – 04:15 pm A-WOW IGLI Ambassadors Special Presentation
04:15 pm – 04:20 pm Introduction of Keynote Speaker
04:20 pm – 05:00 pm Keynote Address
"The Role of Women and Girls in Peace-building and Conflict
Resolution" Dr. Dilshad Dayani
05:05 pm – 05:10 pm ‘Acknowledgements’ of Donors and Sponsors
05:10 pm – 06:10 pm Dinner
06:10 pm – 06:15 pm Acknowledgement of team A-WOW & Closing Remarks
06:15 pm – 06:30 pm Group pictures
06:30 pm – 08:30 pm Reflections and Celebration Time
08:30 pm – 09:00 pm Bon voyage: See You Next Year!
View/download our World Summit application
View/download our World Summit Agenda
Action Lab 1 - Facing the Future: What Humanitarian Leaders Need to Know?
This session provides an opportunity for participants and reflect on their experiences, to share insights with peers, and to discuss and debate the key issues global leaders might face. As our understanding of leadership evolves, so does the environment in which leaders operates.
This section addresses, “How can we ensure our future leaders are adequately prepared and equipped for the challenges they will face in the years to come?”
Action Lab 2: Think to Think: What Does It Take To Be An Innovative Thinker?
Most people think about what they actually see, or what they have seen before when deciding what is possible or even when creating a new idea. ‘Thinking to Think’ is about imagining the unthinkable and considering what could be possible. This type of thinking involves being innovative. It is the way leaders create value and implement new ideas. When a leader champions an innovative idea she decides who needs to be responsible and negotiates for what resources are needed to move the idea forward. Thinking to think means you are willing to become an ambassador for future ideas.
This section highlights, “How can I, as a leader, look for better ways to create good ideas that result in entrepreneurial success?”
Action Lab 3: Asset Based Community Development (ABC): What Is ABC?
Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) works from the principle that every person has capacities, abilities and gifts and that the quality of an individual life depends in part on the extent to which these capacities are used, abilities expressed and gifts given. Recognizing the assets of individuals and communities is more likely to inspire positive action for change from within than an exclusive focus on needs and problems. ABCD focuses on what is present in a community rather than what is absent and requires us to look afresh at marginalized communities and see opportunities rather than problems.
This section highlights, “How can teens and young women seen in our community positively impact our community?”
Action Lab 4: Healthy Relationship Skills and Recognizing Unhealthy Relationships
“Relationships are really what we’re all about. That’s what our lifetime is about – our relationships with ourselves, with each other, with our environment, with the world we live in… Because at the end of our life, relationships are really all we have. Participants will gain knowledge about relationship issues affecting their lives, including peer and family relationships, dating relationships, and school climate. This session will focus on healthy relationship skills and recognizing unhealthy relationships including dating violence, bullying, and cyberbullying.
This interactive session addresses the question, “What are some ways to identify and deal with unhealthy relationships?
Action Lab 5: Employment Opportunities and Valuable Employee Skills
As companies shift business models and search for new sources of revenue, many business leaders are adjusting their strategies to meeting the shifting demands of finding valuable talent that will produce superior results. Current and future employee skills are refreshing corporate strategies and focusing more on talent stewardship and targeted development.
This session addresses the question, “How to acquire valuable employee skills and gain experience to build your skill set and securing employment.
Action Lab 6: The Next Steps: Where Do We Go From Here?
The next phase for A-WOW International Girls Leadership Initiative. In this session we will discuss things we need to consider to ensure our organization’s success and sustainability.
Annually a selected group of young women are chosen…
A-WOW will select 50 emerging young women ages 16 – 24 from around the globe who are committed to being a servant leader, in good academic standing, exhibit strong leadership skills and interested in social, economic, political and global issues impacting women and girls.
Tuition - $---
(includes eight days and seven nights’ accommodations, snacks and 3 meals, per day, all in-country expenses, educational materials, all in-country transportation, airport pick-up, professional full-time staff and experts, cultural activities, lectures, weekend excursions, goody bags, and pre-departure materials and support.)
Installments Due Dates:
Installment must be paid no later than 5:00 pm on the due date.
Installment 1 : $---
Installment 2 : $---
Installment 3 : $---
Cancellation Policy
Registration fees will be refunded only if written notice of cancellation is received by A-WOW on or before xxxx, 2014. In the event of a written cancellation, 30% of the registration fee will be retained to cover administrative costs. After June 8, 2013, NO refunds will be given.
The A-WOW Young Women World Summit is not for everyone. We seek to find the right candidates that are willing and committed excellence, leadership and being an agent of change. Participants must be prepared to participate in the program—committing the time and energy to take full advantage of the program. The Summit centers on time commitments and individual participation. Commitments involve community service, completion of daily assignments, team-work, networking, attendance and daily participation.
A-WOW 2014 World Summit Tuition
2014 World Summit Opening Ceremony
Join us on Sunday July 27 and Support A-WOW with a $25.00 Donation
Proceeds of your donation will fund A-WOW Education Projects and Programs
2014 World Summit Closing Ceremony
Join us on Sunday August 3 and Support A-WOW with a $25.00 Donation
Proceeds of your donation will fund A-WOW Education Projects and Programs