International Girls Leadership Initiative

“Empowering the future”
A-WOW IGLI is a not-for- profit organization established to help develop personal leadership awareness, skill development and prepares girls, ages 16-21, to assume active leadership roles throughout the world. community and society. We provide innovative learning opportunities, training and leadership development through expert experiences, and education of a higher quality.
Our aim is to educate, empower and enrich without regard of social, religious or ethnic backgrounds. Our mission is to educate, mentor and coach while providing girls and young women with leadership abilities and knowledge as they ready themselves to shape the future world – a world of strong and courageous leaders
A-WOW IGLI Annual Spring and Summer Ambassador Leadership and Development Institute is designed to assist girls and young women ages, 16-21 to develop globally-minded leadership skills and gain a rich understanding of diverse cultures. Theses individual desire to become a catalyst for change by participating in A-WOW IGLI Ambassador Leadership and Development Institute.
Each session covers a two-month span of personal mentoring, coaching, training and development. Selected candidates will spend time learning and developing leadership and interpersonal skills. The programs consist of orientation, registration, class assignments, pre/post- assessments, community service, as well as networking and group projects.
For more information, please contact Carolyn Wright , A-WOW Founder at (214) 995-1927 or via email at
Highlight of the 2013 Leadership and Development Institute
"Building Blocks of Success"
A-WOW Leadership and Development Institute covers an eight-week span of personal, social and professional development. The program consists of pre/post-assessments, action labs, mentoring and coaching, group projects and networking. Candidates will spend time learning and developing leadership abilities and interpersonal skills by engaging in various activities such as personal and peer mentoring, career planning, youth advocacy community projects and more! Being a participant in this program will give
students the necessary tools to become catalysts for change.
A-WOW is a not-for-profit organization established to help develop personal leadership awareness,
skill development and prepare teens and young women to assume active roles in their schools,
communities and throughout society.
Our mission is to foster and promote leadership and skill development through education, training,
innovative learning opportunities, mentoring and empowering young women ages 16 – 21, as well as
establishing an enduring legacy for female leadership, organizations and businesses globally.
Our aim is to educate, empower and enrich irrespective of social, religious or ethnic orientation.
As leaders, the time is NOW to step into our leadership power and use this ability in every area of
our lives. If you are ready for your life transforming experience and want to say goodbye to the old
way of doing things; then step into a new direction and join us for the next eight weeks.
Spring and Summer Schedule (3 hours class session)
March 04 | June 03
Pre-Assessment/Introduction/Who Am I? Self-Exploration.
Topic: Identity Capital
March 11 | June 10
Purpose, Planning and Passion. Identifying mission and vision statement; setting goals.
Topic: Building Identity Capital
March 25 | June 17
Positive Thinking and Positioning.
Topic: Psychological Capital
April 01 | June 23
Building Relationships.
Topic: Social Capital
April 01 | June 24
Money Matters
Topic: Financial Capital
April 15 | July 08
Career Exploration - practical advice from women in different profession.
Topic: Human Capital
April 29 | July 15
Post-Assessment - Conclusion - Wrap Up.
Action Lab 1 - Facing the Future: What Humanitarian Leaders Need to Know?
This session provides an opportunity for participants and reflect on their experiences, to share insights with peers, and to discuss and debate the key issues global leaders might face. As our understanding of leadership evolves, so does the environment in which leaders operates.
This section addresses, “How can we ensure our future leaders are adequately prepared and equipped for the challenges they will face in the years to come?”
Action Lab 2: Think to Think: What Does It Take To Be An Innovative Thinker?
Most people think about what they actually see, or what they have seen before when deciding what is possible or even when creating a new idea. ‘Thinking to Think’ is about imagining the unthinkable and considering what could be possible. This type of thinking involves being innovative. It is the way leaders create value and implement new ideas. When a leader champions an innovative idea she decides who needs to be responsible and negotiates for what resources are needed to move the idea forward. Thinking to think means you are willing to become an ambassador for future ideas.
This section highlights, “How can I, as a leader, look for better ways to create good ideas that result in entrepreneurial success?”
Action Lab 3: Asset Based Community Development (ABC): What Is ABC?
Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) works from the principle that every person has capacities, abilities and gifts and that the quality of an individual life depends in part on the extent to which these capacities are used, abilities expressed and gifts given. Recognizing the assets of individuals and communities is more likely to inspire positive action for change from within than an exclusive focus on needs and problems. ABCD focuses on what is present in a community rather than what is absent and requires us to look afresh at marginalized communities and see opportunities rather than problems.
This section highlights, “How can teens and young women seen in our community positively impact our community?”
Action Lab 4: Healthy Relationship Skills and Recognizing Unhealthy Relationships
“Relationships are really what we’re all about. That’s what our lifetime is about – our relationships with ourselves, with each other, with our environment, with the world we live in… Because at the end of our life, relationships are really all we have. Participants will gain knowledge about relationship issues affecting their lives, including peer and family relationships, dating relationships, and school climate. This session will focus on healthy relationship skills and recognizing unhealthy relationships including dating violence, bullying, and cyberbullying.
This interactive session addresses the question, “What are some ways to identify and deal with unhealthy relationships?
Action Lab 5: Employment Opportunities and Valuable Employee Skills
As companies shift business models and search for new sources of revenue, many business leaders are adjusting their strategies to meeting the shifting demands of finding valuable talent that will produce superior results. Current and future employee skills are refreshing corporate strategies and focusing more on talent stewardship and targeted development.
This session addresses the question, “How to acquire valuable employee skills and gain experience to build your skill set and securing employment.
Action Lab 6: The Next Steps: Where Do We Go From Here?
The next phase for A-WOW International Girls Leadership Initiative. In this session we will discuss things we need to consider to ensure our organization’s success and sustainability.
Full payment: $360
Installment Plan: $405
(3 payments of $135)
Spring Application Deadline:
March 1, .
Summer Application Deadline:
May 26, .
Spring tuition / installment must be paid no later than 5:00 pm. March 1, .
Installment payments of $135 are due:
March 1, March 22, and April 15.
Summer tuition / installment must be paid no later than 5:00 pm. May 31, .
Installment payments of $135 are due:
May 31, June 14, and June 28.
A-WOW Inc. 501 (c) (3)
c/o International Girls Leadership Initiative
Tanya Jerry, Director of Affairs
Phone: 813.416.2892
Cancellation Policy
Registration fees will be refunded only if written notice of cancellation is received by A-WOW on or before June 8, 2013. In the event of a written cancellation, 30% of the registration fee will be retained to cover administrative costs. After June 8, 2013, NO refunds will be given.
The A-WOW Young Women World Summit is not for everyone. We seek to find the right candidates that are willing and committed excellence, leadership and being an agent of change. Participants must be prepared to participate in the program—committing the time and energy to take full advantage of the program. The Summit centers on time commitments and individual participation. Commitments involve community service, completion of daily assignments, team-work, networking, attendance and daily participation.