2nd Annual A-WOW Young Women Empowerment Conference

Location: Accra, Ghana | 7 March – 16 March 2014
Kama Conference Centre 8 | West La on Ring Road |Labone, Accra, Ghana | Tele: +0233 549 770046 |+233 302 240087
Cultural Immersion - Education – Volunteerism Service – History – Student Exchange
A-WOW Young Women Empowerment Conference (AYWE Conf) is a global conference, filled with information-packed LEADERSHIP sessions, action labs, youth advocacy project, ground-breaking keynotes, flagship attendees, live entertainment and plenty of networking in Accra, Ghana.
A-WOW GLOBAL INITIATIVE FOUNDATION and its partners are pursuing an eight-day, seven-night high-impact and high-level learning approach to advance the core goals and main objective of Ghana progress towards the attainment of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and the United Nations “Women-achieve gender equality and women empowerment” for all women and girls.
From 8th - 16th March, a select group of young women from around the globe, will participate in A-WOW’s Young Women Empowerment Conference (AYWE Conf) in celebration of International Women’s Month. Due to an overwhelming response from the public A-WOW is extending an invitation to the public to join us on March 14th - 15th for a life changing two-day event. Space is limited and applications are being accepted on a qualifying first come basis and opened to young women ages 16 - 25, in the community.
Ambassadors from AWOW Global Programs will attend the conference along with A-WOW Ambassadors of Ghana. Participants will engage in various activities such as: visit universities, businesses and prominent leaders, attend action labs, participate in a youth advocacy project and enjoy exciting tours and fun excursions all hosted by (Barclays Bank, MTN, Delta Airlines, Arch Work of Wellness, North Central Texas College, TV3) and more!
A wide range of powerful and progressive sessions on best practices in cultural diversity and inclusion, coaching, mentoring sessions, personal, social and professional development seminars conducted by experts to enhance education and career opportunities of the participants.
A-WOW GLOBAL INITIATIVE FOUNDATION (A-GIF) is a non-governmental female based organization, which operates as the international flagship program of A-WOW Inc., based in Dallas Texas, USA. A-GIF’s headquarters is located at the Municipal Assembly Block, Room 204 (Second Floor), in the capital town of the Upper East Region Bolgatanga, Ghana.
We work with emerging leaders ages 16-25 to build sustainable solutions for the next generation of leaders. Our approach is to utilize a variety of educational methodologies to promote life-skills, leadership development, innovation and entrepreneurial skills. We are committed to leadership development and enhancing cultural and socio-psychological change through the interactions between different cultures. These cultural exchanges foster and promote education, leadership, and innovation while at the same time collectively tackling issues of illiteracy, poverty and teen pregnancy among the most vulnerable populations in Ghana, Costa Rica, Liberia, Nigeria and the United States.
A limited number of scholarships are available.
For interviews on A-GIF, please contact Samuel Obeng | +0233 549 770046 | Dorithy Yintii | 0205763715 or via email at admin@awownow.org
Download A-WOW 2014 Press Release | Download A-WOW 2014 IWD Schedule |
I committed myself to A-WOW because the organization helped more than can ever be expressed with words. This summer as the day became closer to returning to my sophomore year as the Sophomore Class President, I found myself more and more unsure of my confidence in my leadership abilities. Certainly, the last thing I wanted to do was to let my class down. Once I found A-WOW, its ambassadors and volunteers who I met had nothing but encouraging things to say and great advice to give. Moreover throughout this tough year, they have been my support system. I still talk on a regular basis to the girls with whom I graduated. I don’t know what I would have done this summer without this program, and I want to make sure that any girl who feels even remotely close to what I was feeling has the chance to experience this great organization.
Three words to describe my experience with A-WOW are safe, opportunity, and wow. A-WOW allows me a safe environment to learn about my leadership talents. It let me strengthen the parts of my leadership abilities I was least confident in. Opportunity presents itself because I meet women who had nothing but my best interest at heart. They gave their advice from what they had learned from experience freely. By meeting these women, you have the opportunity to uses their knowledge and connections to open doors for yourself and they are more than willing to help you.
My last word, wow, is at the very heart of the organization’s name. All of the girls in this program bring to mind nothing but awe from me and my gratitude for their acquaintance.
A-WOW envisions itself as the preferred girls’ leadership initiative, providing a global brand of high potential, responsible, positive, effective environmental and innovative leaders. In the future, I want to be one of the people that aids in the fulfillment of this vision.
I will always feel this organization gave more to me then I will in anyway be able to give back, but I know I will spend the rest of my life trying.
Ellisa Brown,
A-WOW Ambassador
Since I join A-WOW IGLI I have met some amazing young ladies which I have adopted as my sister. I have also met a lot of wonderful mentors that gave words of encouragement whenever I needed it. Being in this leadership program I have learned that each of us (ladies) are different and beautiful in our own way!
I have also learned more ways to be an even stronger woman in the future. My life have changed in so many ways since becoming an A-WOW Ambassador
Jaimie Barner,
A-WOW Ambassador
As a beginning participant of AWOW I greatly appreciated the time and all the things I learned.
The prestigious people I met and the numerous things they taught me are well worth it. I learned things that school does not teach, sometimes parents' may not teach and if you are not paying attention, life may not teach. I will absolutely do it all over again and not change anything!
Carbone Hlliard,
A-WOW Ambassador
A-WOW IGLI really made a great difference in my life. I’ve learned so much about how to be an excellent leader and growing to be a mature young lady. I’ve become more of a leader instead of a follower. I am so thankful for all the guest speakers and founders of A-WOW IGLI for the two great beneficial, life changing weeks! I definitely recommend this program to any young lady wanting to become a better leader.
Jennifer Ojemi,
A-WOW Ambassador
A-WOW has made a difference in my life because I am able to stand up for myself, which I really didn't have the courage to do so. It also gave me the courage to
stand up to people and also to help more people that are in need of help. I really appreciate being in A-WOW because it made me a strong and better person. With
that I would recommend this program to others because if it made a difference to me, it will also make a great change in someone or make a huge difference in someone's life.
Sarah Vang,
A-WOW Ambassador
A-Wow is a stepping stone in a young woman's life.It's a single moment where she can pause and ask herself the hardest question any adolescent child will ever come across. Who am I and who do I want to be. It's one thing to know who you are, but sometimes the person you are isn't exactly who you want to be.
A-WOW in this sense has taught me many things. Not just about college and the best bank to leave my money. A-WOW has taught me a variety of things but the most precious lesson of all is learning how to look at yourself. Since I've left the conference thats exactly what I've been doing.I've been trying to mold myself into the person I want to be I know I'm not there yet, Im barely seventeen, its going to take patience and wisdom, two things I have neither of. But at least, I'm making progress.
Because of A-WOW I'm experiencing my own silent reformation, and with every small change comes either a positive or negative result. The choice is in nobody's hands but mine."
Bethany Bonsu,
A-WOW Ambassador